Project Title: Joint Action Health Equity Europe (JAHEE)

Duration of the project: 1/06/2018 – 1/06/2021


Main Topic

The effects of health inequalities (HI) within and between European countries are widely recognized, and reducing HI is on the agenda of many countries. Despite an increasing concern and awareness on HI, a wide gap exists in Europe in terms of political response. This new JA represents an important opportunity to work jointly to address HI and achieve greater equity in health outcomes across all groups in society, in all participating countries and in Europe at large.



JAHEE aims to contribute to:

  • the improvement of planning and development of policies to tackle health inequalities at the European, national, regional and local level;
  • the implementation of actions that provide the best opportunity to tackle health inequalities in each participating countries;
  • the strengthening of a cooperative approach among participating countries;
  • the facilitation of the transferability of good practices


Type of study

The partnership is composed of 25 european countries:

Belgium, Bosnia Erzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

JAHEE consists of 9 Work Packages (WPs):

WP1. Management of the action Actions; WP2. Dissemination; WP3. Evaluation; WP4. Integration in National Policies and Sustainability; WP5. Monitoring; WP6. Healthy living environments; WP7. Migration and health; WP8. Improving access to health and social services for those left behind; WP9. Health and Equity in All Policies – Governance.

JAHEE will follow a three-step approach

  1. In the first step, based on the best available knowledge, the five thematic WPs (WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9) will develop a Specific Domain Policy Framework, the WP4 will develop a General Policy Framework. At Member State level, an individual Country profile template and five Specific country assessments (for each thematic WP) will be elaborated.
  2. In the second step, the participating countries will implement a selection of actions to tackle health inequalities.
  3. In the third step, recommendations based on the best results achieved will be produced and disseminated.


Expected results

  • Improved collection of evidence-based actions aimed to reduce HI.
  • Improved knowledge of the country scenarios in reducing HI and identification of key factors
  • Strengthened awareness of political decision-makers of the main gaps, barriers and strengths in the field of HI.
  • Strengthened awareness among the participating countries on the added value of developing a cooperative approach.
  • Improved the planning and monitoring of actions of the participating countries to tackle HI.
  • Improved country based action on HI.
  • Improved knowledge from lessons learned by the action developed during the JA.


Responsible of the project: Raffaella Bucciardini (raffaella.bucciardini@iss.it)

Department/Center: National Center for Global Health

Project website: https://jahee.iss.it/