
Ljubljana 28 November – 1 December, 2018 – JAHEE Pre-Conference – 11th European Public Health Conference (EPH)

28 November – 1 December, 2018 – Ljubljana
Winds of change: towards new ways of improving public health in Europe

Health inequalities: JAHEE joint action bringing knowledge into practice. 

Organized by JAHEE: Joint Action Health Equity Europe 

The effects of health inequalities within and between EU member states are widely recognized, and reducing health inequalities is on the agenda of many countries. Moreover, new challenges like the huge migration flows, the economic crisis and austerity policies that are affecting EU citizens in everyday life are worsening the scenario. Despite an increasing concern and awareness on health inequalities, a wide gap exists in Europe in terms of political response. A range of policy interventions are available, but awareness and effectiveness is not always clear and implementation lags behind 

The JAHEE initiative, financed by the Third Public Health Programme 2014-2020, represents an important opportunity for member states to work jointly to address health inequalities and the underlying social determinants of health.

The pre-conference offers an excellent opportunity for experts and researchers from various backgrounds to learn more about JAHEE and to discuss the most useful activities including research that could help filling crucial implementation gaps. 

 Pre-conference program



Raffaella Bucciardini, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Walter Ricciardi, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

Chris Brookes, UK Health Forum

Miriam Weber, City of Utrecht, Netherlands

Christina Plantz, Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), Germany

Bernadette Kumar – Charlott Nordstrom, Norway

Daniel Lopez-Acuña, Andalusian School of Public Health, Spain

Giuseppe Costa, University of Torino, Italy

Seppo Koskinen, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland